Friday, December 18, 2009

Fudgy Black Bean Brownies

For me, putting chocolate and black beans together doesn't seem strange at all. I've been putting dark chocolate into my black beans recipe for years so when I saw this recipe I knew I'd have to give it a shot. I made these fudgy black bean brownies last night to take into the office as a holiday treat. The recipe came together pretty easily. I love putting veggies into sweet things to make them a bit healthier and - in this case - add some protein. I followed the recipe for the most part, but substituted pecans for walnuts and cacao powder for the coffee since I'm not a coffee-drinker and didn't have any in the house. Since I don't have a food processor, I used the blender and had to use most of the chocolate mixture to get enough liquid for the blender to work. That didn't seem to make a difference, though. They turned out pretty well - they were tasty and I'll definitely make them again. I couldn't taste the black beans at all. These came out pretty thin (maybe 1/2 an inch thick), so they definitely aren't your standard brownies. Since there's no flour and they're so thin, they're almost like fudge which I love since I don't like cakey brownies that much - I prefer fudgier brownies.

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